Source code for habitat.profiling.backward

import torch

[docs]class BackwardHelper: def __init__(self, backward_runnable, ag_dict): self.run_backward = backward_runnable self._ag_dict = ag_dict @classmethod
[docs] def new_from(cls, operation_outputs): retval, initial_grad_fn = get_grad_fn(operation_outputs) if initial_grad_fn is None: raise ValueError('No grad_fn available on the operation output.') grads = torch.ones_like(retval) def backward_runnable(): torch.autograd.backward(retval, grads, retain_graph=True) size_dict = get_accumulate_grad_inputs( initial_grad_fn, backward_runnable, ) ag_dict = { grad_fn: torch.randn(size, device=torch.device('cuda')) for grad_fn, size in size_dict.items() } return cls(backward_runnable, ag_dict)
[docs] def run_accumulate_grad(self): for grad_fn, grad in self._ag_dict.items(): grad_fn(grad)
[docs]def backward_available(operation_output): return get_grad_fn(operation_output)[1] is not None
[docs]def flatten_operation_output(operation_output): if isinstance(operation_output, torch.Tensor): return [operation_output] elif (not isinstance(operation_output, tuple) and not isinstance(operation_output, list)): return [] flattened = [] for value in operation_output: flattened.extend(flatten_operation_output(value)) return flattened
[docs]def get_grad_fn(retval): if isinstance(retval, torch.Tensor) and retval.grad_fn is not None: return retval, retval.grad_fn elif isinstance(retval, tuple) or isinstance(retval, list): for inner_value in retval: inner_retval, grad_fn = get_grad_fn(inner_value) if grad_fn is not None: return inner_retval, grad_fn return None, None
[docs]def get_accumulate_grad_inputs(initial_grad_fn, backward_runnable): input_dict = {} hook_handles = [] def get_hook(grad_fn): def hook(arg1, arg2): if not isinstance(arg2[0], torch.Tensor): return input_dict[grad_fn] = arg2[0].size() return hook # Traverse the graph to identify all AccumulateGrad functions stack = [initial_grad_fn] visited = {initial_grad_fn} while len(stack) > 0: grad_fn = stack.pop() if == 'torch::autograd::AccumulateGrad': hook_handles.append(grad_fn.register_hook(get_hook(grad_fn))) for next_grad_fn, _ in grad_fn.next_functions: if next_grad_fn is None or next_grad_fn in visited: continue stack.append(next_grad_fn) visited.add(next_grad_fn) # Run a backward pass to get accumulate grad sizes backward_runnable() torch.cuda.synchronize() # Clear hooks for handle in hook_handles: handle.remove() return input_dict