Memory Report#

This page describes the database schema of the memory report that is generated by DeepView.Profile’s memory subcommand. Recall that DeepView.Profile’s reports (memory and run time) are SQLite database files.

NOTE: DeepView.Profile’s memory profiling is for GPU memory only.


DeepView.Profile tracks the memory usage associated with a model’s weights and activations. DeepView.Profile will also report the peak amount of memory allocated during a training iteration.

Just like the run time report, DeepView.Profile also includes the stack trace associated with each activation or weight in the report. DeepView.Profile only includes the stack frames associated with files inside your project (i.e. files under your project’s root directory).



CREATE TABLE weight_entries (
  size_bytes INTEGER NOT NULL,
  grad_size_bytes INTEGER NOT NULL

This table holds the memory used by the model’s weights. The size_bytes column is the number of bytes used by the weight and grad_size_bytes is the number of bytes used by the weight’s gradient tensor. The name column holds the weight’s name, which is assigned by PyTorch.


CREATE TABLE activation_entries (
  operation_name TEXT NOT NULL,
  size_bytes INTEGER NOT NULL

This table holds the memory used by the model’s activations in one training iteration. The size_bytes column is the number of bytes used by the activation. The operation_name column is the name of the operation that generated the activation.


CREATE TABLE entry_types (

This is a table that stores mappings of DeepView.Profile’s memory entry types (activations, weights) to numeric identifiers. DeepView.Profile maps weights to an entry type of 1, and activations to an entry type of 2.


CREATE TABLE stack_correlation (
  correlation_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
  entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
  entry_type INTEGER NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE (correlation_id, entry_id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX entry_type_and_id
  ON stack_correlation(entry_type, entry_id);

This table maps entries to a correlation_id, which can be used to look up a memory entry’s relevant stack frames in the stack_frames table. The entry_type column contains either 1 or 2, which corresponds to the weights and activations respectively.

For all rows where entry_type == 1, the entry_id column will act as a foreign key for the id column in the weight_entries table. Similarly for all rows where entry_type == 2, the entry_id column will act as a foreign key for the id column in the activation_entries table.


CREATE TABLE stack_frames (
  correlation_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
  ordering INTEGER NOT NULL,
  file_path TEXT NOT NULL,
  line_number INTEGER NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (correlation_id, ordering)

This table holds the stack frames associated with a memory usage entry (both weights and activations). The correlation_id column is a foreign key that references the correlation_id in the stack_correlation table. File paths stored in the file_path column will be relative to the project’s root directory and line numbers are 1-based.

NOTE: DeepView.Profile does not add an explicit foreign key constraint to the correlation_id column.

Ordering. There may be multiple stack frames associated with any given memory entry (i.e. any given correlation_id). The ordering column is used to keep track of the ordering among stack frames that share the same correlation_id. When sorted in ascending order by the ordering column, the stack frames will be ordered from most-specific (i.e. closest to the weight or operation responsible for the activation) to least-specific (i.e. farthest from the weight or operation responsible for the activation).

Connecting to Entries. To get the stack frames for a given entry, you need to first query the stack_correlation table to find the correlation_id associated with your entry_id and entry_type combination. Then you can use that correlation_id to look up the associated stack frames in this table.


CREATE TABLE misc_sizes (
  size_bytes INT NOT NULL

This table holds any miscellaneous memory usage information that is reported by DeepView.Profile. Currently, DeepView.Profile only uses this table to report the peak memory usage during one training iteration. This memory usage is reported using the peak_usage_bytes key.